API usage

This tools can be used as an API, from a python prompt or from a command line.

Some tasks that can be performed with the provided utilities include:

  • Compile an exam from a chosen set of exercises
  • Shuffle a set of versions of exercises to make a given number of different exams
  • Obtain all possible combinations of exercise versions to compile exams
  • Compile a complete set of exercises
  • Generate filenames to be filled with text of exercises
  • Generate documents that involve lists of text items (using the same model of an exam)
  • Produce an excell file with the selected versions of the exercises.

Minimal example

The generation of the exams require three steps:

  • load a latex template
  • load the versions of the exercises
  • generate the final latex files for the exams

For example, the code below uses a template file named parcial_1.tex, and loads the sources to compile exams with three exercises. Exercise 1 has three versions, exercise 2 has four versions, and exercise 3 has two versions.

The N option in aegis.Exam.generate() allows to produce N exams.

import aegis
X = aegis.Exam()

items_dir = 'exercises'
items = [1, 2, 3]
subitems = [[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2]]

X.load_items(items_dir, items, subitems)
X.generate(N=4, output_dir='exams')

Optional parameters

Optional parameters can be used to generate exams in different ways. All optional parameters are described in the documentation of the methods. The most relevat options are:

Randomly combine exercise versions:
In the :meth:aegis.Exam.generate method, use the shuffle=True option.
Compile PDF files:
In the :meth:aegis.Exam.generate method, use the makepdfs=True option.
Generate an Excell file with the summary of exercise versions:
Call the :meth:aegis.Exam.gen_excell method

Format for latex files

The default format for latex files is e01_v01.tex. The method Exam.gen_examples() produces example files with this format:

X = aegis.Exam()

It is possible to change the default behaviour with the method aegis.aegis.Exam.name_pattern(). For example, in order to use a suite of exercises of the form:

  • problem_001-version_01.tex
  • problem_001-version_02.tex
  • problem_001-version_03.tex
  • etc

we can call the function as follows:

X = aegis.Exam()
X.name_pattern('problem_', 'version_', '-', 3, 2)

Excell file with the list of versions
