********************** Templates ********************** Any latex file can be used as a template for the exams. The part with the exercises must contain the following: .. code:: latex \newenvironment{ejj}[1]% {\addtocounter{ejnro}{1}\hspace{-1.2cm}$\blacktriangleright$\hspace{.3cm}{\textb f{\arabic{ejnro}.}}\hspace{.3cm}}% {\vspace{5pt}} in the preamble, and .. code:: latex \BLOCK{ for ej in exs } \begin{ejj} \VAR{ej} \end{ejj} \BLOCK{ endfor } in the main document. An example template file, ``template.tex`` is provided, which can be easily modified. This template uses a logo (for Famaf, UNC), which can be replaced. The result for the sample template file is as follows: .. image:: parcial_layout.png :width: 600