***************** Installation ***************** Downloading AEGIS =============================== The package can be installed either `from source `_ or `from the pypi reposository `_. AEGIS is publically available from a GitHub repository. It can be downloaded or cloned with:: git clone https://github.com/mlares/aegis.git The code can be explored using GitHub, including development activity and documentation. Requirements ================ AEGIS generates and compile Latex documents, so it need a working installation of Latex in the system. Installing AEGIS =============================== Once the virtualenvironment has been set (recommended), then install the required packages:: pip install -r requirements.txt It is convenient to save the root directory of the installation. In bash, for example,:: export aegis_rootdir="$(pwd)" AEGIS module can be used anywhere provided the following command is executed within the environment in the directory $aegis_rootdir:: pip install . Alternatively, it can be installed via the `python package index `_:: pip install aegis_latex Testing =============================== For testing purposes, an utility is provided in the :meth:``aegis.Exam.gen_examples`` method. .. code:: python X.gen_examples(N_problems=4, N_versions=[3, 3, 3, 3], dir_tex='dir_tex/', dir_pdf='dir_pdf/') This will create two directories, and fill them with TEX and PDF files. Each tex file contains a short message indicating the problem and version numbers. .. code:: python import aegis problems, versions = aegis.gen_examples(dir_tex='exams', dir_pdf='exams') print(problems) print(versions) X = aegis.Exam() X.load_template('template.tex') items_dir = 'exams' items = problems subitems = versions X.load_items(items_dir, items, subitems) X.generate(N=4, output_dir='exams', makepdfs=True) # X.gen_excell(output_dir='exams/') More tests can be found at ``tests/test.py``.